Cozy and Caffeinated This Holiday Season

Note to my readers: I literally rushed to Target a couple of months ago when I got the Cartwheel notification that Peet’s was now in a Nespresso®-compatible pod. No joke. Before this post even came to fruition, I had already been using and enjoying the Peet’s Espresso Capsules. I love my home espressos and I probably cannot function without them.
So what’s the big fuss over Peet’s new espresso capsules? It’s good coffee y’all. High quality, coffee shop-espressos made in your pajamas. A whole new level of dark, rich, intense coffee. Just a good, quality foamy espresso made without judgement on how many you’ve already had today. (Especially during the holiday madness.)
Suggestions on what to pair your perfect at-home espresso? I’d pair it with a new pair of holiday shoes. Or with my robe doing holiday shopping online. Or with my girlfriends as we let our sugar-filled children run like maniacs around the Christmas tree.

Take a break, head to Target, buy some Peet’s Espresso Capsules and indulge in a deep, dark espresso to keep you cozy (and caffeinated) this holiday season.
This post is brought to you in partnership with Peet’s Espresso Capsules, all opinions are my own. (And I’d love and use them regardless of this post.)
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