How to Make the Perfect Cold Brew

Mmm. An iced macchiato on a hot summer night made with your own cold brew. That, my friends, is pure bliss.
All you need is good, coarsely-ground coffee and either a french press or a cold brew coffee maker. That’s it!
(Blond moment and being totally transparent – I totally thought to get iced coffee you brewed it and then put it in the fridge… #dontjudge.)
- Start with six ounces of coarsely ground coffee in the coffee maker.
- Pour 3 cups of distilled water slowly in a circular motion.
- Wait five minutes and add 6 more ounces of coffee and last three cups of water.
- Let brew 12 – 24 hours.
- Place in carafe and it should stay fresh about a week in fridge. (Ours only lasts 2 days because we drink it so fast!)
Hi Erin!
This is perfect this summer, love cold brew! 🙂
Thanks for sharing!