How to Prepare for a Kitchen Remodel

Time to get that kitchen of your dreams! Big or small, you’ve done the budgeting, made the plans and now it’s time to get started. Here are my tips to prepare for a kitchen remodel.
Make your Kitchen Remodel Idea/Mood Board
Having a vision for how it’ll look will help you focus on the outcome instead of the process. Pull inspiration photos, make a mood board, and consult with a designer or architect for a full kitchen remodel. Keep that inspiration on hand to get you through the process. It isn’t easy but it is worth it to have your dream kitchen!
Hire a General Contractor for Full Kitchen Remodels
Trust me. If you are moving walls, pipes, or gas lines you need an insured GC, and potentially an architect. If you are doing extensive electrical you need fully prepare for a kitchen remodel. This is not a DIY beginner type of job. If you are doing a surface level remodel, then DIY your hearts out! Just call in the professional subcontractors for the installation of harder things.
Set a Timeline
Expect 4-6 weeks for a basic renovation and 3 months for a significant one. A surface level remodel, like cabinets, countertops, and flooring, can take at least 4 weeks. Full renovations, with moving gas and water lines, putting up walls and extensive electrical work, can take several months to complete.
Order all Appliances and Lighting ASAP
Another tip from experience… Shipping delays are still a thing. It’s better to have your new appliances waiting in your garage in boxes than waiting 9 months for a range. Just saying. Measure, measure again and order your appliances, lighting, and hardware as soon as you can!
Set Up a Temporary Kitchen
Make a plan for a temporary kitchen. In Texas it’s hard to use the outdoor kitchen or garage because of the heat or complete random weather surges. An open space like a dining room wall, living room wall, or any spacious, adjacent area will do the job! Keep your microwave and refrigerator for now. You can dispose or sell the other old appliances. If you are like me lean into Instant Pots, air fryers and hot plates and a trusty mini refrigerator.
Pack, Toss, Donate the Entire Kitchen
This is the time to purge and go through all your kitchen items! Sort your kitchen into storage, temporary, and toss items. Using these categories can help you organize and pack up your kitchen ahead of the construction. Keep the temporary items light – for your makeshift kitchen – think what tools you need for quick dinners, big bowls for salads, etc. If you are lacking a sink or just want to avoid dishes altogether, make life easier by stocking up on disposable plates, napkins, cups, and utensils. Toss or donate the items you don’t need any more and then pack up the rest of the kitchen for the remodel period! I highly suggest an organizer to come in post remodel and unpack and organize for you!
Get Going!
Construction and remodels are not all rainbows and butterflies. If you can put that aside and focus on the end result, you’ll do just fine. Kitchen remodels can be easier with partners like Build with Ferguson. They truly are the best in the kitchen remodel space. Find everything from kitchen cabinets, built-in refrigerators to the greatest garbage disposal ever. Things you want and things you actually have to have!
Here are my picks on the Build with Ferguson website!
Your tips for preparing for a kitchen remodel are spot on. Creating a mood board and consulting with a designer or architect is a fantastic way to visualize your dream kitchen. Hiring a general contractor is essential for more complex renovations, ensuring the job is done safely and professionally. Setting a timeline helps manage expectations, and ordering appliances and lighting early is a smart move to avoid delays. Your suggestion of setting up a temporary kitchen and decluttering beforehand is practical and efficient.