Summer Reads and NEW Erin Condren!!

TWO NEW Erin Condren launches today. One is HUGE and perfect for those with kids or grandkids…. and the other is for me. (Of course!) Plus all the summer reads on my book list are in the middle!
First up… New Erin Condren LifePlanner is OUT! (And only a few weeks until I get to use it!) Not counting the days or anything. Love the Kaleidoscope pattern she went with and boy, did Erin Condren market it. I saw her in scarves and skirts and shoes, all in the new pattern. I pretty much went with that one just because of her.
Plus on the website I loved the description – “True beauty lies in seeing the same thing just a little bit differently. Our interpretation of the Kaleidoscope is about crystallizing your vision to transform plans into reality. No matter what you see in this design, the stunning neutral & colorful dimensions represent never-ending possibilities.”
Next up: Summer Reading List
Some I’ve read, some reading and others are next up.
Read: The Last Mrs. Parrish | Something in the Water | The Other Woman
Reading: Little Fires Everywhere | The First Mistake
Up Next: One Day in December | The Last Time I Saw You | The Mother-in-Law
Last thing: Erin Condren now has…. KID PLANNERS!!
Kid-approved and designed by moms, these little planners are 12 months of fun! Crosson was SOOO excited to get one like mom’s. We did the initial cover on the front and the space one on the back so he could have both. I loved helping him fill out the “About Me” section. Almost like a mini-scrapbook for kids. Great for little one with stickers and fun sections and perfect for those older ones with schedules and saving tips. AKA the cutest thing ever.
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