My Granny turned 80 a few weeks ago and we all shard sweet memories to her. Today for Blogtember, I’m writing a letter to a loved one. I didn’t want to get mushy so family letters fit me better.

To Granny,

I don’t have just one favorite memory so I am going to put them all in a pool.

My favorite things to do at Granny’s house growing up were making pumpkin cookies from scratch (still my absolute favorite cookie), having Granny teach me how to set the table, helping Granny prepare meals, decorating the moose Christmas tree, Thanksgivings at Granny’s when EVERYONE was able to come, playing all the little girl games and having her roll my hair in curlers. I think I have gained her love for baking and making lots of sweet dishes that smelled and tasted incredible. (Even though she couldn’t smell them.) I loved the memories made at White Sands and Carlsbad Caverns and playing with her under the HUGE willow tree in El Paso. She has given me a love for planting and growing your own herbs. I still remember picking specific mint and tea leaves for different things off of the fence line. Looking at her pictures when she was younger makes me so proud to have a beautiful Granny – inside and out. I know she enjoyed playing with her only granddaughter and all of my girly-girl games but I want her to know that I truly cherish all those years played with my Granny. Happy 80th birthday! I love you!