nutter puffs… Need I Say More?

This post is sponsored by on behalf of nutter puffs.
Seriously. Do I really need to say more than the makers of popchips made a new snack named nutter puffs and you need to drop what you’re doing and get some right now? End of blog.
Just kidding. I’ll tell you why you really do need to follow my instructions above. nutter puffs happiness in a bag, first of all. Second of all, it’s peanut butter. Peanut butter might be one of my favorite things in the world. (It’s all I could eat while pregnant with Crosson.) I seriously feel for people who can’t enjoy peanut butter. Third of all, they have 5 grams of PROTEIN per serving. SAY WHAT?! Read to the bottom to see how many calories in a serving. You’ll never guess.
What even is this crazy wonderful nutter puff? It’s just a crispy, peanut butter puff that’s non-gmo and you can actually read all the ingredients. THREE ingredients to be exact. Nothing yucky, nothing you can’t pronounce. Clean ingredients. NO trans fats, nothing artificial anything, no preservatives. REAL peanut butter. (The peanut butter ones are actually vegan, too!)
nutter puffs are perfect for kids of all ages and their parents and grandparents and heck, even great grandparents. They are GOOD. I have one bag in my desk at the office and a few at home but once my husband finds them, I bet they’re gone.
Need a little chocolate with your peanut butter? Try the peanut butter & chocolate nutter puffs. You’ll thank me later. Just a little gooey-chocolatey snack of the gods.
PS. They are only 130 calories per serving! Guess how many nutter puffs in a serving? TWENTY SEVEN of them. AKA NO guilt. (Maybe a little guilt if you eat the whole bag but still… not that bad!)
Find them at your local grocery store or on Amazon here:
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