Backtracking my Blogtember posts. Took a quiz to see my Jung/Myers-Briggs personality type. I scored an ENFJ – aka Extraverted...
Catching up on . Today’s post matches up! “Where is my damn iPod cord?” I heard screaming through the venue...
My trainer kicked my booty today. And I’m tired. Not so many words today besides that my legs hurt and...
If you don’t know me very well, you won’t know my frustration in the progress of our house. I’m furious....
Life ain’t so bad in the park. The RV park that is. I’m within walking distance of everyone on Barton...
This is a weird thing to write about and I’ll probably get some strange looks when I put this up....
What a weekend! Another trip to Kentucky ended so well and I cannot wait to be a part of this...
I can’t help myself. I have to stop and have a treat or take a look in one little store...
I blow the dang fuse every single time I blow dry my hair. Ugh. Time for beachy-wanna-be but really just...
Even when camping or traveling long hauls – you can still look fabulous! I tend to short the electricity every-time...
On most vacations you a bound to eat and overpriced, no-that-great, semi-okay restaurants. Am I right? You’ll find a few...
Mammoth Cave National Park – Oh, what a sight it is! I hope everyone has the experience of driving through...
Our RV is cleaned, hitched up and ready for some cross country traveling. Am I happy? Um. Yes. I am...
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About me

Hi Lovely! I’m Erin Ruoff, a wife, working mom and chief household operator. I’m the woman behind this home, travel and lifestyle blog here at Hi Lovely. We originally launched as my creative outlet for photography and fashion. My husband helped me build it and it took off from there!
I’ve focused on many things over the years but have a true passion in home design and travel! And also sharing all the life moments in between.
Some of my favorite things in life are toes in the sand, walking through new and renovated homes, a cold glass of prosecco, days on the lake and lots of family time.