I Did Something I DID NOT Want to Do…

Don’t worry, I did nothing crazy. Just had to chop off my son’s hair.
People from every walk of life were driving me crazy about his damn hair. Is he a boy? Is he a girl? (You said he first so therefore he is a boy…) Goodness gracious. Seriously. This kid has curls of gold. Like curls so pretty we should somehow get his DNA so we can duplicate them and sell the formula. WHY on Earth would someone cut them? I don’t know… Ask society why it’s okay to ask a mom with a kid wearing boy clothes, dirt in his fingernails and three cars in his hands if he’s a girl? Hmm. Try getting asked that 4-5 times a day.
So I had enough. Mad props to you moms who can deal with the questions and kept it long. I envy your strength to bite your tongue. We picked a date, called up Bird’s Barbershop and made a celebration of it. (Slash mom’s forever day of mourning….)
Here’s how the day went:
Lunch at Matt’s El Rancho. (If you haven’t been to this Austin institution please go. It’s loud and massive but so good!)
Mom is currently regretting this decision every 30 seconds until his appointment.
Walk into Bird’s Barbershop on South Congress. Again mom has one foot out the door. BUT if we’re really going to do this, it’s gotta be somewhere so cool, right?!
We wait. Mom attempts to leave twice and fails.
His name gets called. Oh the agony.
15 minutes later we have golden locks on the floor and mom is holding back the tears wanting to join those curls.
End result: no more baby with long, curly locks of gold but a cute, little boy with surfer waves.
A part of me died that day.
Adulting is hard, parenting is harder and giving up those locks was awful. But I got a cute little boy and a husband who keeps me sane. Cheers to being a mom.
Photos to prove I actually did it and I’m not making a big deal of something ridiculous:
Dress // Borrowed By Design, Bag // Henri Bendel, Fishing Shirt // Prodoh
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