Crosson is ONE! | First Birthday Board

I’m 4 months late. Don’t hate.
Life sure does change with a kid and I can’t even imagine life with more than one of them. Walking, squealing, babbling, running, sticking hands in toilets, taking off diapers… Though I hate to say he is a toddler, this stage is WAY different than an infant stage.
I saw one of these “First Birthday Boards” on Pinterest but I definitely did not want to pay for something I knew I could make myself. The cost came to a whopping $15. Foam boards for $2 a piece and engineered prints $5 a piece.
It’s pretty easy.
Create your own first (or any) birthday boards:
- Print engineered prints at your local Office Depot or Staples.
- Spray adhesive to foam board.
- PATIENTLY (keyword) roll the print on to the board.
- Smooth out bubbles with a hard item, clipboard, squeegee, etc. (I got bubbles that wouldn’t come out because I was impatient. Surprised? Not so much.)
- Let dry and voila, you have a BIG print!
Crosson LOVED it and I hung them both at the birthday party. The guests seemed to like them, too. Especially the ADORABLE photo that Laura Morsman captured at a mini session! We are so grateful for amazing photographers.
His birthday was filled with lots of easy DIY projects. From these first birthday boards to a Parabo photo collage, we decided to overload our guests with photos of the big one-year-old!
He’s a big ole’ goober baby. 🙂
What fun ideas did you create for first birthday parties?
The first birthday party pics will be up soon. In the meantime, I can’t wait to see your party creations!
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