Family Friendly Guide to the San Antonio Rodeo (from a past employee!)

Are you venturing to San Antonio’s largest event this weekend? I know a few of you have already been to the San Antonio Rodeo but I’d love to tell you my take on the most fun you’ll have in February! (I did a little stint in the marketing department so I know the ropes.)
Is it family-friendly? YES! You can bring your whole family out to the grounds and then the rodeo is so fun to watch as a kid. The nightly entertainment after the rodeo is perfect for the older kids as I know my two-year-old expires after about 8:30. Check out the afternoon shows for the younger ones!
What can we do on the grounds? Fun overload. Obviously there is the carnival portion but the fun is really in all the Expo Centers. From petting zoos and Cowboy Camp to seeing livestock animals in real life, there’s something for everyone.
What are your favorite sections? (Personally, the shopping in the Expo Halls and the Freeman Coliseum… but you know me!) We love going to the stock show areas and seeing the students shows off their animals and hard work. Crosson LOVED the swine show last year. Surprised? No. The Texas Wildlife Expo has hundreds of butterflies and a place to learn all about Texas longhorns. The Dairy Center has always been a favorite – since I was a kid going to the rodeo! You learn all about milking a cow and the production of milk, plus ice cream. Mmm. Milkshakes.
How early should we get there? You realistically cannot see everything in one day but if you can get there early you can see a lot of it. If you are going to a night show get there in the early afternoon to venture the grounds, eat dinner and then head to the rodeo with full bellies.
What should we bring? If you’ve got multiple kids bring a wagon, you’ll be doing a lot of walking. One kid? A stroller is perfect. But be aware, you can’t bring a stroller into the rodeo. You’ll have to put it back in the car before the show. Bring healthy snacks if you don’t want to the deep friend goodness of some rodeo food. Wet wipes, antibacterial and sunscreen for staying protected and clean.
Any other tips? Buy a parking pass. So much easier… If you come for the grounds wear comfy shoes, cowboy boots might not be the best idea. But you can bring a change of boots to wear to the rodeo. You gotta look your western best for the big show! Stay downtown if you can and uber or taxi to the event. I love the St. Anthony but I’m a little biased!
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