Tips to Navigate COVID-19 in the Business World

Step into my home office. It’s not Pinterest worthy and it also doubles at home school, home gym, closet and playroom. But it’s what I’ve got for the time being – and that time ALL at home. It’s doing its job and I’m grateful for it. Just like I’m grateful for resources to navigate this weird time as an employee in digital media AND as a small business owner.
If you are one of those or just interested in what’s going on in the business world check out LinkedIn for GoDaddy’s Community chat. It’s chock full of conversations we need to be having – both for thought leaders and those looking for help. Check it out for resources, inspiration & connection to other entrepreneurs during COVID-19. Time to support each other now more than ever.
Here are 5 tips to navigate COVID-19 and a potential recession as a business owner, employee or entrepreneur. My husband started his business at the peak of the last recession, so we’ve got some experience under our belt.
- Be available and transparent to clients/vendors/employees at all times. Trust and transparency will go a long way.
- Go through your finances thoroughly and get rid of any frivolous spending, subscriptions, or services. (You probably don’t need Spotify premium for your business right now.)
- Network now more than ever. You’d be surprised how many people you can meet and help each other out – whether it de bouncing ideas off of each other, trading services or becoming a new client or vendor, networking is key.
- Get dressed for work a couple days a week at least. I know it’s easy to slide out of bed, throw on sweats and get straight to emails… TRUST ME. But doing your hair and maybe slightly dressier outfit choices can do wonders to your attitude and work ethic right now.
- Don’t give up. Biggest tip ever. Keep pushing forward. Don’t set your hours to just 9-5 if you’re looking to grow a business. You need to be at it from morning to night. Take breaks and maintain a social life but really work hard to achieve those goals. My husband will come down for meals to eat and play and then right back to buying/building/maintaining that business.
More tips, inspiration and resources are all over LinkedIn and in the GoDaddy community chat. It’s the #1 trusted social site. Did you know that? It’s my favorite these days. Check it out, you’ll see why.