A Family Full of Dove

My husband and I use the Dove Beauty Bars every day. No lie. Every day. When we found out about Baby Dove, we were sold. I only like to work with partners that I truly love and enjoy using and now the whole family can enjoy Dove. Bring it on!
Baby Dove takes the Dove brand to our most precious assets with them completely in mind. Moisture is key when it comes to babies and toddlers. Between washing hands all day long and running outside with no care in the world, we have to keep their skin soft! Crosson could careless that it’s FREEZING out and when I can catch him, I lather him up with lotion. With the Baby Dove Tip to Toe Wash and Lotion they do their best to make baby skin retain its natural moisture!
They have a moisture line and a sensitive skin line, a baby beauty bar (how stinking cute) and a line of alcohol-free wipes! (Can I get a heck yes!)
You know the Dove brand; you love the Dove brand so check out Baby Dove. We’re bursting full of Dove love and you should to!
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